WHEEL WORLD NEWS - JAKARTA - As Alex Rudiart Hutajulu (28) knocked out and had to leave early in the stage show X Factor Indonesia Gala, Saturday (03/30/2013) early morning, many people were disappointed. Robby Purba (26) who secretly candidate Alex also disappointed.
"If I should be neutral dong. Not be impartial," Robby said after the Gala Show 6 X Factor Indonesia on RCTI Studio 8, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta.
Still, Robby still could not hide his admiration for Alex. "Disappointed, yes definitely disappointed. But the jury also had reason to choose those who shall be saved. So, do not bully, yes," said the boy's real name Robby Purba Surya Titian's Caesar laughed.
"Please, do not 'in bully'," said Robby.
So glad to see the action and sound Alex, so do not expect to be eliminated quickly, Robby to consent when asked to close X Factor Indonesia. "But yes, all that is best," said Robby entertain themselves.
After Alex out, are there any boys born whiz Lampung, July 25, 1986, who was a VJ MTV Indonesia in 2008 was? "I still should be neutral," said the film 'The Curse of Souls Witchcraft' laughed off.
Minggu, 31 Maret 2013
Sabtu, 30 Maret 2013
Pope Celebrates Easter in St. Peter's Basilica
WHEEL WORLD NEWS - VATICAN CITY - Pope Francis for the first time to celebrate Easter Saturday (03/30/2013) after praying for peace in the Middle East and Christian-Muslim dialogue in a torch-lit ceremony on Friday.
Pope Argentina's newly elected according to the AFP news agency will lead the Mass in St. Peter's Basilica on Sunday (03/31/2013) 1930 GMT and also will baptize adult converts four Albanian origin, an Italian, Russian and a U.S. citizen.
A series of intensive preparation for the ceremony ahead of Easter Sunday-the holiest day in the Christian calendar - the first non-European pope in nearly 1,300 years.
Tens of thousands of people are expected to attend Mass on Sunday when the pope will issue a special blessing from the same balcony of St. Peter's Basilica where he appeared on election night.
Pope Argentina's newly elected according to the AFP news agency will lead the Mass in St. Peter's Basilica on Sunday (03/31/2013) 1930 GMT and also will baptize adult converts four Albanian origin, an Italian, Russian and a U.S. citizen.
A series of intensive preparation for the ceremony ahead of Easter Sunday-the holiest day in the Christian calendar - the first non-European pope in nearly 1,300 years.
Tens of thousands of people are expected to attend Mass on Sunday when the pope will issue a special blessing from the same balcony of St. Peter's Basilica where he appeared on election night.
Patents for ship radio-controlled robot
WHEEL WORLD NEWS - On 8 november 1898, the U.S. inventor Nikola Tesla Serbian descent, patented rancagan'' means and tools for the control mechanism of the vehicle to move the ship''. He has created the design of radio since at least 1892.
Tesla models the vessels controlled by radio waves proficiency level on electricity 1898 exhibition at Madison Square Garden, New York, As. tesla-robot ship has an antenna. The ship is receiving radio waves radiated from a command post at the place located tesla. . wave is received sensitifyang appliances called'' coherer'' which then translates into mechanical movement propeller - boat propellers.
Application of radio waves is shocking that a newspaper page news - U.S. newspaper itu.Sayangnya time, not much has knowing Tesla effort Tekait radio and assume GugielmoMarconi As'' Mr Radio''
Tesla models the vessels controlled by radio waves proficiency level on electricity 1898 exhibition at Madison Square Garden, New York, As. tesla-robot ship has an antenna. The ship is receiving radio waves radiated from a command post at the place located tesla. . wave is received sensitifyang appliances called'' coherer'' which then translates into mechanical movement propeller - boat propellers.
Application of radio waves is shocking that a newspaper page news - U.S. newspaper itu.Sayangnya time, not much has knowing Tesla effort Tekait radio and assume GugielmoMarconi As'' Mr Radio''
Incandescent Inventors: Thomas Alva Edison
WHEEL WORLD NEWS - Thomas Alva Edison is one of the most famous scientist and is also listed as the inventor of the light bulb. Only three years of formal education he received, after it kicked out of school because the teachers think this kid dumb outstanding. His first creation, electronic voice recorder dibikinnya when she was twenty-one years. His work was not sold. After that he earned fabrication equipment can diharapnya sold in the market, shortly after she successfully make electronic voice recorder, he discovered and perfected telegraph machine that automatically prints letters, which sold for 40,000 dollars, a huge sum at the time. After that, like queuing up he found new work, and in a short time.
In 1879 Thomas Alva Edison succeeded in creating incandescent bulbs, making his name in the history of recalls. Edison is not the first to invent an electric lighting system. A few years earlier bersinarkan light electric current has been used for lighting street lamps in Paris. However, following Edison incandescent bulb electric power distribution system that allows for the development of practical electric lighting for the home. In 1882, the company began producing electricity for homes in New York, and in a short time has been spread throughout the world.
With the establishment of the first electric company for lighting homes, Edison means it laid the foundation for the development of the industry. The use of electricity not only for lighting but for all aspects of household goods, from televisions to washing machines. Furthermore, through the use of electric power distribution networks Edison established itself encouraged the use of electricity for the industrial sector.
Edison also made a major contribution for the development of outstanding film cameras and projectors. He made important improvements pertilponan (carbon transmitters improve the clarity of hearing), improvements in the telegraph, and typewriter. Among other findings include dictation machine, coffee machine and a storage battery driven. Arguably, designing over 1000 Edison invention, an amount that does not really make sense.
Even in one of his biography mentioned that Edison discovered the light bulb after a failed 999 times, meaning that a new study to 1000 times Edison invented the electric light. It's incredible tenacity. If only Edison frustrating trial and dismiss research when experiencing failure je 999 times, either as to what form of lighting today.
- Http://kakaii.wordpress.com/2009/09/12/penemu-lampu-pijarthomas-alfa-edison/
- Http://dedekusn.com/tag/penemu-lampu-pijar/
In 1879 Thomas Alva Edison succeeded in creating incandescent bulbs, making his name in the history of recalls. Edison is not the first to invent an electric lighting system. A few years earlier bersinarkan light electric current has been used for lighting street lamps in Paris. However, following Edison incandescent bulb electric power distribution system that allows for the development of practical electric lighting for the home. In 1882, the company began producing electricity for homes in New York, and in a short time has been spread throughout the world.
With the establishment of the first electric company for lighting homes, Edison means it laid the foundation for the development of the industry. The use of electricity not only for lighting but for all aspects of household goods, from televisions to washing machines. Furthermore, through the use of electric power distribution networks Edison established itself encouraged the use of electricity for the industrial sector.
Edison also made a major contribution for the development of outstanding film cameras and projectors. He made important improvements pertilponan (carbon transmitters improve the clarity of hearing), improvements in the telegraph, and typewriter. Among other findings include dictation machine, coffee machine and a storage battery driven. Arguably, designing over 1000 Edison invention, an amount that does not really make sense.
Even in one of his biography mentioned that Edison discovered the light bulb after a failed 999 times, meaning that a new study to 1000 times Edison invented the electric light. It's incredible tenacity. If only Edison frustrating trial and dismiss research when experiencing failure je 999 times, either as to what form of lighting today.
- Http://kakaii.wordpress.com/2009/09/12/penemu-lampu-pijarthomas-alfa-edison/
- Http://dedekusn.com/tag/penemu-lampu-pijar/
Dinamo Inventors: Michael Faraday
WHEEL WORLD NEWS - Michael Faraday lahir tahun 1791 di Newington, Inggris, tercatat sebagai penemu pertama Dinamo, i usia empat belas tahun dia magang jadi tukang jilid dan jual buku, dan kesempatan inilah yang digunakannya banyak baca buku seperti orang kesetanan. Tatkala umurnya menginjak dua puluh tahun, dia mengunjungi ceramah-ceramah yang diberikan oleh ilmuwan Inggris kenamaan Sir Humphry Davy. Faraday terpesona dan ternganga-nganga. Ditulisnya surat kepada Davy dan pendek ceritera untung baik diterima sebagai asistennya. Hanya dalam tempo beberapa tahun, Faraday sudah bisa membikin penemuan-penemuan baru atas hasil kreasinya sendiri. Meski dia tidak punya latar belakang yang memadai di bidang matematika, selaku ahli ilmu alam dia tak terlawankan.
Penemuan Faraday pertama yang penting di bidang listrik terjadi tahun 1821. Dua tahun sebelumnya Oersted telah menemukan bahwa jarum magnit kompas biasa dapat beringsut jika arus listrik dialirkan dalam kawat yang tidak berjauhan. Ini membikin Faraday berkesimpulan, jika magnit diketatkan, yang bergerak justru kawatnya. Bekerja atas dasar dugaan ini, dia berhasil membuat suatu skema yang jelas dimana kawat akan terus-menerus berputar berdekatan dengan magnit sepanjang arus listrik dialirkan ke kawat. Sesungguhnya dalam hal ini Faraday sudah menemukan motor listrik pertama, suatu skema pertama penggunaan arus listrik untuk membuat sesuatu benda bergerak. Betapapun primitifnya, penemuan Faraday ini merupakan “nenek moyang” dari semua motor listrik yang digunakan dunia sekarang ini.
Ini merupakan pembuka jalan yang luar biasa. Tetapi, faedah kegunaan praktisnya terbatas, sepanjang tidak ada metode untuk menggerakkan arus listrik selain dari baterei kimiawi sederhana pada saat itu. Faraday yakin, mesti ada suatu cara penggunaan magnit untuk menggerakkan listrik, dan dia terus-menerus mencari jalan bagaimana menemukan metode itu. Kini, magnit yang tak berpindah-pindah tidak mempengaruhi arus listrik yang berdekatan dengan kawat. Tetapi di tahun 1831, Faraday menemukan bahwa bilamana magnit dilalui lewat sepotong kawat, arus akan mengalir di kawat sedangkan magnit bergerak. Keadaan ini disebut “pengaruh elektro magnetik,” dan penemuan ini disebut “Hukum Faraday” dan pada umumnya dianggap penemuan Faraday yang terpenting dan terbesar.
Ini merupakan penemuan yang monumental, dengan dua alasan. Pertama, “Hukum Faraday” mempunyai arti penting yang mendasar dalam hubungan dengan pengertian teoritis kita tentang elektro magnetik. Kedua, elektro magnetik dapat digunakan untuk menggerakkan secara terus-menerus arus aliran listrik seperti diperagakan sendiri oleh Faraday lewat pembuatan dinamo listrik pertama. Meski generator tenaga pembangkit listrik kita untuk mensuplai kota dan pabrik dewasa ini jauh lebih sempurna ketimbang apa yang diperbuat Faraday, tetapi kesemuanya berdasar pada prinsip serupa dengan pengaruh elektro magnetik.
Faraday juga memberi sumbangan di bidang kimia. Dia membuat rencana mengubah gas jadi cairan, dia menemukan pelbagai jenis kimiawi termasuk benzene. Karya lebih penting lagi adalah usahanya di bidang elektro kimia (penyelidikan tentang akibat kimia terhadap arus listrik). Penyelidikan Faraday dengan ketelitian tinggi menghasilkan dua hukum “elektrolysis” yang penyebutannya dirangkaikan dengan namanya yang merupakan dasar dari elektro kimia. Dia juga mempopulerkan banyak sekali istilah yang digunakan dalam bidang itu seperti: anode, cathode, electrode dan ion.
Penemuan Faraday pertama yang penting di bidang listrik terjadi tahun 1821. Dua tahun sebelumnya Oersted telah menemukan bahwa jarum magnit kompas biasa dapat beringsut jika arus listrik dialirkan dalam kawat yang tidak berjauhan. Ini membikin Faraday berkesimpulan, jika magnit diketatkan, yang bergerak justru kawatnya. Bekerja atas dasar dugaan ini, dia berhasil membuat suatu skema yang jelas dimana kawat akan terus-menerus berputar berdekatan dengan magnit sepanjang arus listrik dialirkan ke kawat. Sesungguhnya dalam hal ini Faraday sudah menemukan motor listrik pertama, suatu skema pertama penggunaan arus listrik untuk membuat sesuatu benda bergerak. Betapapun primitifnya, penemuan Faraday ini merupakan “nenek moyang” dari semua motor listrik yang digunakan dunia sekarang ini.
Ini merupakan pembuka jalan yang luar biasa. Tetapi, faedah kegunaan praktisnya terbatas, sepanjang tidak ada metode untuk menggerakkan arus listrik selain dari baterei kimiawi sederhana pada saat itu. Faraday yakin, mesti ada suatu cara penggunaan magnit untuk menggerakkan listrik, dan dia terus-menerus mencari jalan bagaimana menemukan metode itu. Kini, magnit yang tak berpindah-pindah tidak mempengaruhi arus listrik yang berdekatan dengan kawat. Tetapi di tahun 1831, Faraday menemukan bahwa bilamana magnit dilalui lewat sepotong kawat, arus akan mengalir di kawat sedangkan magnit bergerak. Keadaan ini disebut “pengaruh elektro magnetik,” dan penemuan ini disebut “Hukum Faraday” dan pada umumnya dianggap penemuan Faraday yang terpenting dan terbesar.
Ini merupakan penemuan yang monumental, dengan dua alasan. Pertama, “Hukum Faraday” mempunyai arti penting yang mendasar dalam hubungan dengan pengertian teoritis kita tentang elektro magnetik. Kedua, elektro magnetik dapat digunakan untuk menggerakkan secara terus-menerus arus aliran listrik seperti diperagakan sendiri oleh Faraday lewat pembuatan dinamo listrik pertama. Meski generator tenaga pembangkit listrik kita untuk mensuplai kota dan pabrik dewasa ini jauh lebih sempurna ketimbang apa yang diperbuat Faraday, tetapi kesemuanya berdasar pada prinsip serupa dengan pengaruh elektro magnetik.
Faraday juga memberi sumbangan di bidang kimia. Dia membuat rencana mengubah gas jadi cairan, dia menemukan pelbagai jenis kimiawi termasuk benzene. Karya lebih penting lagi adalah usahanya di bidang elektro kimia (penyelidikan tentang akibat kimia terhadap arus listrik). Penyelidikan Faraday dengan ketelitian tinggi menghasilkan dua hukum “elektrolysis” yang penyebutannya dirangkaikan dengan namanya yang merupakan dasar dari elektro kimia. Dia juga mempopulerkan banyak sekali istilah yang digunakan dalam bidang itu seperti: anode, cathode, electrode dan ion.
Biography Leonard Kleinrock Internet inventor (father of the Internet)
WHEEL WORLD NEWS - Leonard Kleinrock (born in New York City, New York, USA, June 13, 1934, age 77 years) was a U.S. engineer and scientist known as the inventor of the internet or the father of the Internet. A professor of computer science at the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Science, he made important contributions to several areas of computer networking, in particular to the theoretical side of computer networking. He is known for his contributions to the world of networking. His most famous and significant is the theory of packet switching through the paper in 1959 and in 1961 on the exchange of packets in relation to the technology package is the forerunner of the internet technology.
On October 29 1969 he created one of the greatest inventions of the modern age before the Internet inadvertently managed to break the digital code and make it as separate packages. Kleinrockpun Leonard is one of the pioneers of digital communications networks, and help build the ARPANET.
Kleinrock was born on June 13, 1934 in New York City, he graduated from the Bronx High School of Science in 1951 and received his Bachelor of Electrical Engineering and Computer science in 1957 from the City College of New York. In 1959 and 1963, he earned a master's degree and a doctorate (Ph.D.) in electrical engineering and computer science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. After completing pendidian he then joined the faculty at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), School of Engineering and Applied Science where he worked there as a professor of computer science.
The first ARPANET message was sent by UCLA student programmer Charley Kline, at 10:30 pm, October 29, 1969 from boelter Hall 3420. He was mentored by Kleinrock. Kline transmitted from the university to the Stanford Computer SDS Sigma. Two letters are typed LO
On October 29 1969 he created one of the greatest inventions of the modern age before the Internet inadvertently managed to break the digital code and make it as separate packages. Kleinrockpun Leonard is one of the pioneers of digital communications networks, and help build the ARPANET.
Kleinrock was born on June 13, 1934 in New York City, he graduated from the Bronx High School of Science in 1951 and received his Bachelor of Electrical Engineering and Computer science in 1957 from the City College of New York. In 1959 and 1963, he earned a master's degree and a doctorate (Ph.D.) in electrical engineering and computer science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. After completing pendidian he then joined the faculty at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), School of Engineering and Applied Science where he worked there as a professor of computer science.
The first ARPANET message was sent by UCLA student programmer Charley Kline, at 10:30 pm, October 29, 1969 from boelter Hall 3420. He was mentored by Kleinrock. Kline transmitted from the university to the Stanford Computer SDS Sigma. Two letters are typed LO
Kamis, 28 Maret 2013
Arguing with a neighbor, Justin Bieber Police Checked
WHEEL WORLD NEWS - LOS ANGELES - Justin Bieber back throwing a tantrum. The singer "Boyfriend" was involved in an argument with neighbors in Calabas, California, just a few hours after arriving in the United States.
The police is conducting an investigation into Bieber, after a neighbor claimed threatened the Canadian singer on Tuesday, at 9 am local time.
The quarrel began when neighbors Justin says his friends are having a party, and make a fuss when the singer was undergoing a European tour.
A source revealed that the fight happened because her neighbor Justin entered the house and started shouting. He also emphasized that the ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez was not violent or threatening someone.
"Our sources reveal, Justin told him to get out of her house, but she was sure Justin did not do physically to the man of force. Justin entered the house, and the security asked him to leave," said a source told TMZ.
Los Angeles Police spokesman, Steve Whitmore, said it was investigating the case seriously.
The police is conducting an investigation into Bieber, after a neighbor claimed threatened the Canadian singer on Tuesday, at 9 am local time.
The quarrel began when neighbors Justin says his friends are having a party, and make a fuss when the singer was undergoing a European tour.
A source revealed that the fight happened because her neighbor Justin entered the house and started shouting. He also emphasized that the ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez was not violent or threatening someone.
"Our sources reveal, Justin told him to get out of her house, but she was sure Justin did not do physically to the man of force. Justin entered the house, and the security asked him to leave," said a source told TMZ.
Los Angeles Police spokesman, Steve Whitmore, said it was investigating the case seriously.
Rihanna Chris Brown Thankful Forgiven
WHEEL WORLD NEWS - LOS ANGELES - Chris Brown finally willing to talk about the violence done to Rihanna, a few years ago. RnB singer appeared calm and relaxed as he recounted the experience.
Brown was lucky, and grateful as willing to forgive Rihanna. The reason, he has an arrogant and stubborn nature. Since then, the singer of "Next To You" that considers the incident a lesson in life.
"You could lose all, and I do not say fame. Due's not about that. I'm talking about the dignity and integrity. I think age 18, 19 years old, I was able to write and produced the song. So I was also able to make the right decision. So I think is like studying a process, "said Brown.
Brown realized a lot of people still can not forget the rough treatment of the singer of "Diamonds" was. However, he tried to become better people and adults to be happy Rihanna.
"I try my best to be a man is responsible for a few years and show him how sorry I am for the incident, and probably one of the worst parts of life. People are entitled to their opinion. I can not blame.'s About responsibility and I turned out to be a real man. I have to focus on doing good things and being a humble individual, "
Brown was lucky, and grateful as willing to forgive Rihanna. The reason, he has an arrogant and stubborn nature. Since then, the singer of "Next To You" that considers the incident a lesson in life.
"You could lose all, and I do not say fame. Due's not about that. I'm talking about the dignity and integrity. I think age 18, 19 years old, I was able to write and produced the song. So I was also able to make the right decision. So I think is like studying a process, "said Brown.
Brown realized a lot of people still can not forget the rough treatment of the singer of "Diamonds" was. However, he tried to become better people and adults to be happy Rihanna.
"I try my best to be a man is responsible for a few years and show him how sorry I am for the incident, and probably one of the worst parts of life. People are entitled to their opinion. I can not blame.'s About responsibility and I turned out to be a real man. I have to focus on doing good things and being a humble individual, "
Rabu, 27 Maret 2013
Katie Price Sulking Arguably Use Drugs While Pregnant
WHEEL WORLD NEWS - LOS ANGELES-Katie Price furious to hear his confession, Katie Green who said they had used drugs together when Katie was pregnant. It was not separated from the child's condition Katie, Harvey who experience disability.
"Vile lie it really pissed me off," Katie said as quoted by The Sun, Tuesday (03/26/2013).
Katie also refused to be called the cause of his disability. Previous Green called Katie too much taking drugs while pregnant. Green also admitted to using drugs with the British model that.
"She was supposed to be smart, but he was stupid enough to repeat something that is really so menjijkkan," charmless self.
"Parents of children with disabilities often blamed for their children with disabilities and people always judge them," he regrets.
"Vile lie it really pissed me off," Katie said as quoted by The Sun, Tuesday (03/26/2013).
Katie also refused to be called the cause of his disability. Previous Green called Katie too much taking drugs while pregnant. Green also admitted to using drugs with the British model that.
"She was supposed to be smart, but he was stupid enough to repeat something that is really so menjijkkan," charmless self.
"Parents of children with disabilities often blamed for their children with disabilities and people always judge them," he regrets.
Senin, 25 Maret 2013
Harry Styles Send a birthday greeting to "Taylor Swift"
WHEEL WORLD NEWS - LOS ANGELES - As a famous celebrity, Harry Styles always tries to get close to the fans and be friendly to them. One of them, send birthday greetings.
This British guy making 13 million followernya on Twitter felt jealous after sending birthday greetings to a woman named Alice Caousins fan.
Fans turned out to have a face and hair color similar to Harry's ex-girlfriend, Taylor Swift. Similarly, as reported by The Sun, Monday (25/03/2013).
"I hope you get a wonderful day. Have fun," wrote Harry.
Alice was happy and could not believe the dropout X Factor sends birthday greetings to him.
"You really made my birthday perfect. Shaking like a leaf!," Said Alice.
Some follower Harry jealous, and jealous of the attention his idol. Rather than congratulate him, they would write a sentence rude to Alice.
"When my birthday, I'm trying hard to be you (Harry) to say goodbye. You (Alice) very frustrating," wrote one fan of Harry.
Do not forget to comment and follow twitter yes
Twitter: irfan ardihanto
This British guy making 13 million followernya on Twitter felt jealous after sending birthday greetings to a woman named Alice Caousins fan.
Fans turned out to have a face and hair color similar to Harry's ex-girlfriend, Taylor Swift. Similarly, as reported by The Sun, Monday (25/03/2013).
"I hope you get a wonderful day. Have fun," wrote Harry.
Alice was happy and could not believe the dropout X Factor sends birthday greetings to him.
"You really made my birthday perfect. Shaking like a leaf!," Said Alice.
Some follower Harry jealous, and jealous of the attention his idol. Rather than congratulate him, they would write a sentence rude to Alice.
"When my birthday, I'm trying hard to be you (Harry) to say goodbye. You (Alice) very frustrating," wrote one fan of Harry.
Do not forget to comment and follow twitter yes
Twitter: irfan ardihanto
apparently, Katy Perry, Kristen Stewart Feast Together
WHEEL WORLD NEWS- LOS ANGELES - Katy Perry apparently did not want to be sad pascaputus longer than John Mayer. The singer "Wide Awake" This seemed to enjoy the party with Kristen Stewart while attending the Nickelodeon Kid's Choice Awards, March 23.
Both also spent the night together with a series of other Hollywood singers such as Selena Gomez and Fergie. Katy Christian Relations and bounce back after infidelity scandal that made Twilight star with director Rupert Sanders, August 2012.
Just to note, Katy called Christians resent having destroyed the feeling Robert Pattinson. He also suggested that British actor to have fun and forget their problems.
Katy and Christian relations began to improve after the artist's 22-year-rumored return to the arms of Robert. Three were even seen attending a birthday party Katy assistant, some time ago.
Although both are love stories with their partner is not going well, a close friend convinced Christian and Katy remained friends. Similarly, as reported by Femalefirst, Monday (03/25/2013).
"You might see them back together in the near future, then split again. They are very friendly," added the source.
Both also spent the night together with a series of other Hollywood singers such as Selena Gomez and Fergie. Katy Christian Relations and bounce back after infidelity scandal that made Twilight star with director Rupert Sanders, August 2012.
Just to note, Katy called Christians resent having destroyed the feeling Robert Pattinson. He also suggested that British actor to have fun and forget their problems.
Katy and Christian relations began to improve after the artist's 22-year-rumored return to the arms of Robert. Three were even seen attending a birthday party Katy assistant, some time ago.
Although both are love stories with their partner is not going well, a close friend convinced Christian and Katy remained friends. Similarly, as reported by Femalefirst, Monday (03/25/2013).
"You might see them back together in the near future, then split again. They are very friendly," added the source.
Minggu, 24 Maret 2013
Higuain and Messi The Mutual Understanding
WHEEL WORLD NEWS - BUENOS AIRES - Although defending two clubs mutually hostile, Lionel Messi and Gonzalo Higuain in attack the more compact the Argentine national team. Messi said, it can be achieved because the more often they play together.
In the game the 2014 World Cup qualifier yesterday, Collaboration Messi and Tango Hugain brought a 3-0 victory over Venezuela. Higuan scored two goals, both coming from Messi assists, while Messi himself scored with white dots.
"Higuain is a great player, because he scored a lot of goals. Every time we play together, the understanding among us continues to increase. Playing together is a pleasure that is felt the players Argentina. The most important thing is to win, no matter who's scoring goals or assists, "said Messi, as reported by Goal, Saturday (24/03/2013).
"We knew they (Venezuela) will try to resist when our guard, but we had the ball and scored the first goal. Then, everything is open to us, and we (still) wait, cting the four Ballond d'Or.
A similar view was expressed Higuain. According to him, every time attack, Messi and he already knew where to move, making it easier for one another, although he also did not forget the other striker, Ezequiel Lavezzi. Higuain was also happy his team won, because it makes them pretty safe on board the standings.
"Every time Leo attack, he knows that I give padannya choice, as well as to (Ezequiel) Lavezzi. We are happy to give victory to the fans who packed the stadium, "said Higuain.
"We've been playing well and win on some home games. Now we have a secure position, (at least) for the top four positions in the standings, "added the former 25-year-old Rive
In the game the 2014 World Cup qualifier yesterday, Collaboration Messi and Tango Hugain brought a 3-0 victory over Venezuela. Higuan scored two goals, both coming from Messi assists, while Messi himself scored with white dots.
"Higuain is a great player, because he scored a lot of goals. Every time we play together, the understanding among us continues to increase. Playing together is a pleasure that is felt the players Argentina. The most important thing is to win, no matter who's scoring goals or assists, "said Messi, as reported by Goal, Saturday (24/03/2013).
"We knew they (Venezuela) will try to resist when our guard, but we had the ball and scored the first goal. Then, everything is open to us, and we (still) wait, cting the four Ballond d'Or.
A similar view was expressed Higuain. According to him, every time attack, Messi and he already knew where to move, making it easier for one another, although he also did not forget the other striker, Ezequiel Lavezzi. Higuain was also happy his team won, because it makes them pretty safe on board the standings.
"Every time Leo attack, he knows that I give padannya choice, as well as to (Ezequiel) Lavezzi. We are happy to give victory to the fans who packed the stadium, "said Higuain.
"We've been playing well and win on some home games. Now we have a secure position, (at least) for the top four positions in the standings, "added the former 25-year-old Rive
Coutinho It Forget Inter
WHEEL WORLD NEWS - LIVERPOOL - It takes a long time for Philippe Coutinho to prove his capacity as a talented young player at Liverpool. Joined at Anfield last winter, Coutinho successfully answered all expectations.
Had doubted many people, but the player who plays as a midfielder managed to appear attractive. And while still costumed Inter Milan Coutinho appearance was quite brilliant.
"I honestly do not know why I can not succeed at Inter," said Coutinho wonder, as reported by the Italian Football.
"I always work hard in the same way and try my best. Sometimes things did not go well Dapa, "said the Brazilian player.
Coutinho decided to join to the Giuseppe Meazza in the 2010 season, after spending one season at Vasco da Gama. Three seasons at Inter, Coutinho only played in 28 games and scored only three goals.
Earlier, La Beneamata supremo Massimo Moratti had said that Coutinho is a valuable asset and future Inter. On the contrary, it seemed difficult Coutinho, and forced to loan to the club from La Liga, Espanyol.
"For me, Inter is just part of the past. My focus now is Liverpool and here I want to grow as a player, "added the 20-year-old player.
Had doubted many people, but the player who plays as a midfielder managed to appear attractive. And while still costumed Inter Milan Coutinho appearance was quite brilliant.
"I honestly do not know why I can not succeed at Inter," said Coutinho wonder, as reported by the Italian Football.
"I always work hard in the same way and try my best. Sometimes things did not go well Dapa, "said the Brazilian player.
Coutinho decided to join to the Giuseppe Meazza in the 2010 season, after spending one season at Vasco da Gama. Three seasons at Inter, Coutinho only played in 28 games and scored only three goals.
Earlier, La Beneamata supremo Massimo Moratti had said that Coutinho is a valuable asset and future Inter. On the contrary, it seemed difficult Coutinho, and forced to loan to the club from La Liga, Espanyol.
"For me, Inter is just part of the past. My focus now is Liverpool and here I want to grow as a player, "added the 20-year-old player.
Well, There's drugs in Bus tournya Rihanna!
WHEEL WORLD NEWS-LOS ANGELES - More recently, security officers found marijuana on a bus tour of Rihanna.
When caught, the bus carrying a tour group for Rihanna and "Diamond" are entering the border of Canada and the United States. Approximately 10 officers who are manning a bus stop in the area, due to smell fishy.
Officers were immediately examined one suspicious bus. They deploy sniffer dogs to sniff out traces of drugs that may be contained in the passenger bus. Similarly, as quoted from The Sun, Sunday (03/24/2013).
Sure enough, among the group were found marijuana unknown owners. However, an unnamed man was detained by officers. The bus was allowed to go on, and into the United States.
Lucky, Rihanna is not in the bus when the raid took place, and escape from the target. The reason, some people think Rihanna use illegal drugs. Not long ago, the singer of "Stay" also posted a photo on Twitter where she is smoking. But the form of smoking is very suspicious, and suspected marijuana selinting.
When caught, the bus carrying a tour group for Rihanna and "Diamond" are entering the border of Canada and the United States. Approximately 10 officers who are manning a bus stop in the area, due to smell fishy.
Officers were immediately examined one suspicious bus. They deploy sniffer dogs to sniff out traces of drugs that may be contained in the passenger bus. Similarly, as quoted from The Sun, Sunday (03/24/2013).
Sure enough, among the group were found marijuana unknown owners. However, an unnamed man was detained by officers. The bus was allowed to go on, and into the United States.
Lucky, Rihanna is not in the bus when the raid took place, and escape from the target. The reason, some people think Rihanna use illegal drugs. Not long ago, the singer of "Stay" also posted a photo on Twitter where she is smoking. But the form of smoking is very suspicious, and suspected marijuana selinting.

Sabtu, 23 Maret 2013
Museum Madame Tussauds Wax Sculpture Showcase Taylor Lautner
WHEEL WORLD NEWS -LOS ANGELES - Madame Tussauds Berlin finally exhibiting a collection of waxwork of Taylor Lautner, 19 March. Twilight star replica is wearing a white shirt and jeans.
To make it look like the original, the museum even making six-pack abdominal muscles Taylor at the wax statue.
According to representatives of Madame Tussauds, Nina-Kristin Zerbe, it wants to create a new style and incorporate sexy impression in wax sculpture Taylor to make the fans happy.
Earlier, Taylor's wax statue has also been exhibited in the museum Madame Tussauds London on January 26, 2012. Replication ex-girlfriend Taylor Swift was wearing black pants, a leather jacket and t-shirt and placed next to the statue of Robert Pattinson.
Madame Tussauds New York wax statue was also showcased Taylor on 15 November 2012. They claim it takes four months to complete. However, some fans felt the statue was not similar to the original. The difference is evident from the structure of the jaw and smaller eyes than the original Taylor's eyes.
To make it look like the original, the museum even making six-pack abdominal muscles Taylor at the wax statue.
According to representatives of Madame Tussauds, Nina-Kristin Zerbe, it wants to create a new style and incorporate sexy impression in wax sculpture Taylor to make the fans happy.
Earlier, Taylor's wax statue has also been exhibited in the museum Madame Tussauds London on January 26, 2012. Replication ex-girlfriend Taylor Swift was wearing black pants, a leather jacket and t-shirt and placed next to the statue of Robert Pattinson.
Madame Tussauds New York wax statue was also showcased Taylor on 15 November 2012. They claim it takes four months to complete. However, some fans felt the statue was not similar to the original. The difference is evident from the structure of the jaw and smaller eyes than the original Taylor's eyes.
Jessica Alba Jealous with Gay Kissing Bradley Cooper
WHEEL WORLD NEWS -LOS ANGELES - Jessica Alba admitted a little disappointed because I could not kiss Bradley Cooper and Eric Dane as played in the film Valentine's Day, 2010.
Mother of two children even jealous when viewing scenes Bradley just kissed Eric, who plays same-sex couples.
"On Valentine's Day when Bradley Cooper kiss scene with live actors, funny, husband Rebecca Gayheart (Eric Dane). I felt like, 'Come on, I should get it!' They are very cute, "said Jessica did a radio interview in Australia.
Although envy not get a kiss from two handsome actor, Jessica never felt jealous of the few successful young Hollywood celebrities to gain popularity. He said he was satisfied with the life she lived.
"I never felt jealous. Was probably my problem. I'm always happy. I was like, 'Yeah! Another woman did something new, it's incredible!'," He concluded, as reported Femalefirst, Thursday (03/21/2013).
Mother of two children even jealous when viewing scenes Bradley just kissed Eric, who plays same-sex couples.
"On Valentine's Day when Bradley Cooper kiss scene with live actors, funny, husband Rebecca Gayheart (Eric Dane). I felt like, 'Come on, I should get it!' They are very cute, "said Jessica did a radio interview in Australia.
Although envy not get a kiss from two handsome actor, Jessica never felt jealous of the few successful young Hollywood celebrities to gain popularity. He said he was satisfied with the life she lived.
"I never felt jealous. Was probably my problem. I'm always happy. I was like, 'Yeah! Another woman did something new, it's incredible!'," He concluded, as reported Femalefirst, Thursday (03/21/2013).
Christina Aguilera Justin Bieber Suggest Rest
WHEEL WORLD NEWS -LOS ANGELES - Christina Aguilera Justin Bieber advised to stay away from the media spotlight. The 19-year-old singer passed the most difficult time in his life and take time to rest.
Justin often behave badly and are often involved in fights with paparazzi. He even compared to Lindsay Lohan are always dealing with the law.
"You live in a life and it's hard to grow up in front of the camera. You learn when you become an adult to take time for yourself, avoid the camera, you re inspiration as an artist, and do refresher," said Christina.
He also advised Justin to be independent and strong when meeting with people who want to drop it. Similarly, as reported by Femalefirst, Friday (03/22/2013).
"I'd say, do not let anything bring you down or make you do not like yourself. I'm always honest and loyal with pendirianku and be humble, do not let you stray too far," he continued.
ask for suggestions and criticisms
Justin often behave badly and are often involved in fights with paparazzi. He even compared to Lindsay Lohan are always dealing with the law.
"You live in a life and it's hard to grow up in front of the camera. You learn when you become an adult to take time for yourself, avoid the camera, you re inspiration as an artist, and do refresher," said Christina.
He also advised Justin to be independent and strong when meeting with people who want to drop it. Similarly, as reported by Femalefirst, Friday (03/22/2013).
"I'd say, do not let anything bring you down or make you do not like yourself. I'm always honest and loyal with pendirianku and be humble, do not let you stray too far," he continued.
ask for suggestions and criticisms
Joe Jonas Amit Never Make Porn Video

Representative Joe immediately denied it and insisted the singer does not have a porn video with Blanda.
"Not true or clear about the story. Completely wrong," said Joe representation.
Blink and Gossip says Joe Blanda pornographic video recording at a hotel in Buenos Aires, Argentina, early March. They also look to consume alcohol, illegal drugs, to use sex aids.
"They were drinking and smoking marijuana, and Blanda explained to Joe what he would do to him in detail," writes Blink Gossip.
They also assessed Blanda deliberately make a porn video with Joe because it will benefit by 35 percent. He also wanted to be like Kim Kardashian famous after recording her intimate relationship spread in cyberspace.
This news makes a lot of people by surprise, and personnel The article Joe Jones who is also his brother, Kevin Jonas and Nick Jonas promised not to have sex before marriage and taking drugs.
However, it is rumored the family is very worried because he broke his promise. Joe became an alcoholic and a drug for one year.
Anne Hathaway Depression hated Many People
WHEEL WORLD NEWS -LOS ANGELES-Anne Hathaway is referred to as the most hated artist by Internet users. Starring Catwoman and even then reportedly stressed and depressed about how to improve its image.
"She was desperate to improve her image. Anne shock and crying after learning research," said the source told Contactmusic attack on Saturday (03/23/2013).
Because of the stress, the star of Les Miserables was reportedly intended to leave while the entertainment world. Artists who claimed to hate Katie Holmes is feeling alone.
"She even cried to her friends she feels like leaving the industry for good and disappeared," he said.
"She was desperate to improve her image. Anne shock and crying after learning research," said the source told Contactmusic attack on Saturday (03/23/2013).
Because of the stress, the star of Les Miserables was reportedly intended to leave while the entertainment world. Artists who claimed to hate Katie Holmes is feeling alone.
"She even cried to her friends she feels like leaving the industry for good and disappeared," he said.
Arguably furious Worlds Sexiest Women Fat
WHEEL WORLD NEWS -LOS ANGELES-Tulisa Contostavlos oblique response to comments calling her getting fat. In fact, 24 years old singer recently named the sexiest woman in the world version of a number of adult magazines.
The presumption that arises when Tulisa called asking her boyfriend Danny Simpson to help him lose weight bada. The former hip-hop group is like do not like the news. Artist ever stumble porn video case is also called news essay alone.
"The story this week saying my size 12, asked my boyfriend how to diet., But no shot of two days in LA with a size 8," Tulisa wrote on her Twitter account as quoted by Digitalspy, Saturday (03/23/2013).
Previous Tulisa also try to poke fun at the media and paparazzi that often interfere with privacy. Tulisa was out with a photographer and twittering were driving the enemy.
"Driving with my enemy, ha ha," he wrote.
The presumption that arises when Tulisa called asking her boyfriend Danny Simpson to help him lose weight bada. The former hip-hop group is like do not like the news. Artist ever stumble porn video case is also called news essay alone.
"The story this week saying my size 12, asked my boyfriend how to diet., But no shot of two days in LA with a size 8," Tulisa wrote on her Twitter account as quoted by Digitalspy, Saturday (03/23/2013).
Previous Tulisa also try to poke fun at the media and paparazzi that often interfere with privacy. Tulisa was out with a photographer and twittering were driving the enemy.
"Driving with my enemy, ha ha," he wrote.
Kamis, 21 Maret 2013
Jennifer Aniston Degree Two Wedding Party?
WHEEL WORLD NEWS -LOS ANGELES - Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux reportedly ready to hold two weddings. Having tied the knot as husband and wife in California, the couple will celebrate in New York.
Justin even designed to be made a party in New York to celebrate her marriage with Brad Pitt's ex-wife.
"Justin grew up in New York, most of his family is on the East Coast, so the rumor is that after marrying Jen in California, there will be something in New York. Surely there was a wedding on the East Coast. Probably not be held until the summer, but Justin has been taking care everything and was very excited. He compiled live music and theme will rock 'n roll, "said the source.
Unlike the rock that made Justin feel, the beautiful actress that just want to make the wedding a romantic and tranquil in California. But both agreed to devote time to stay in California and New York after officially married. Similarly, as reported by Femalefirst, Wednesday (20/03/2013).
"Jen wants everything very relaxed and classic. This will be held traditionally. Jen knows how Justin missed New York. So he admitted after they were married, they will buy something there," added the source.
Justin even designed to be made a party in New York to celebrate her marriage with Brad Pitt's ex-wife.
"Justin grew up in New York, most of his family is on the East Coast, so the rumor is that after marrying Jen in California, there will be something in New York. Surely there was a wedding on the East Coast. Probably not be held until the summer, but Justin has been taking care everything and was very excited. He compiled live music and theme will rock 'n roll, "said the source.
Unlike the rock that made Justin feel, the beautiful actress that just want to make the wedding a romantic and tranquil in California. But both agreed to devote time to stay in California and New York after officially married. Similarly, as reported by Femalefirst, Wednesday (20/03/2013).
"Jen wants everything very relaxed and classic. This will be held traditionally. Jen knows how Justin missed New York. So he admitted after they were married, they will buy something there," added the source.
James Franco does not care Criticized Many People
WHEEL WORLD NEWS - LOS ANGELES - Actor James Franco handsome pleaded not care about other people's responses after receiving much criticism in recent years. He also said he did not need to be liked by everyone.
All of the criticism aimed at him has made the actor who was rumored dating Ashley Benson is becoming stronger. James was also not affected by poor response from everyone.
"The criticism can sting but not for long. At this point I've heard it all, good and bad. I could take it all. If people want to say what kulakakuan me like an asshole, it's not about me, it's about the people who act toward me. I preferably do not need to do all that, "said the actor was 34 years.
James also revealed've lost one of the ads for supporting a film about sex and the porn industry. It's even affecting her career in acting.
Despite much criticism after bringing the Oscars, 2011, James received a lot of support from friends like Mila Kunis.
"I think people will be surprised by the calm as anything and selayak what he is. I do not want to get too close but he's very humble. Guy knew he had a good education, but they may not know that he was a good man," behind Mila. Similarly, as reported by Femalefirst, Wednesday
All of the criticism aimed at him has made the actor who was rumored dating Ashley Benson is becoming stronger. James was also not affected by poor response from everyone.
"The criticism can sting but not for long. At this point I've heard it all, good and bad. I could take it all. If people want to say what kulakakuan me like an asshole, it's not about me, it's about the people who act toward me. I preferably do not need to do all that, "said the actor was 34 years.
James also revealed've lost one of the ads for supporting a film about sex and the porn industry. It's even affecting her career in acting.
Despite much criticism after bringing the Oscars, 2011, James received a lot of support from friends like Mila Kunis.
"I think people will be surprised by the calm as anything and selayak what he is. I do not want to get too close but he's very humble. Guy knew he had a good education, but they may not know that he was a good man," behind Mila. Similarly, as reported by Femalefirst, Wednesday
Jennifer Love Hewitt Breasts Forced to Admit Insure
WHEEL WORLD NEWS - LOS ANGELES-Jennifer Love Hewitt news will insure her breasts for Rp48 billion adorn a media some time ago. However, the news was denied by the artist who did have such beautiful breasts.
According to Jennifer, he did not really intend to insure breast. Jennifer felt compelled to talk about breast insurance. Including about Rp48 billion figure.
"They were like, 'Well, how much would you do if you did?'. So I'm just trying to throw some numbers so that they can continue the question, "said Hewitt was quoted as saying DigitalSpy, Wednesday (03/20/2013)
Jennifer also admitted as directed to call numbers Rp48 billion for insurance breasts. In fact, Jennifer did not say it directly.
"If someone was like, 'Hey did you know, we want to insure the breast to Rp24 billion?'. I'll be like, 'well I'm going to do, why not?' "He said.
According to Jennifer, he did not really intend to insure breast. Jennifer felt compelled to talk about breast insurance. Including about Rp48 billion figure.
"They were like, 'Well, how much would you do if you did?'. So I'm just trying to throw some numbers so that they can continue the question, "said Hewitt was quoted as saying DigitalSpy, Wednesday (03/20/2013)
Jennifer also admitted as directed to call numbers Rp48 billion for insurance breasts. In fact, Jennifer did not say it directly.
"If someone was like, 'Hey did you know, we want to insure the breast to Rp24 billion?'. I'll be like, 'well I'm going to do, why not?' "He said.
Love, Tom Cruise Still Doubt dating Olga
WHEEL WORLD NEWS - LOS ANGELES-Since the divorce with Katie Holmes, Tom Cruise is associated with a number of women. This time, Tom reportedly is pursuing his co-star in the movie love Oblivion, Olga Kurylenko.
Like the couple who were approached, Olga began to find out about the Church of Scientology, Tom followed the flow. Both are close when filming Oblivion. In fact, Tom was awkward doing kissing scenes with Olga when just divorced.
"Olga added greatly to the knowledge of Scientology well as Tom puts their relationship after meeting while filming Oblivion," a source told The Sun, Thursday (21/03/2013).
"Tom fell in love with Olga. He could be some language, funny and gorgeous, "he said.
Despite falling in love with Olga, Tom did not want to rush to declare its status with Olga as lovers. There are many considerations Tom to actually date a beautiful model it.
"Tom has not been serious about anyone since she first met Katie Holmes, from what people are saying. But he also seems to like him, "he concluded.
Like the couple who were approached, Olga began to find out about the Church of Scientology, Tom followed the flow. Both are close when filming Oblivion. In fact, Tom was awkward doing kissing scenes with Olga when just divorced.
"Olga added greatly to the knowledge of Scientology well as Tom puts their relationship after meeting while filming Oblivion," a source told The Sun, Thursday (21/03/2013).
"Tom fell in love with Olga. He could be some language, funny and gorgeous, "he said.
Despite falling in love with Olga, Tom did not want to rush to declare its status with Olga as lovers. There are many considerations Tom to actually date a beautiful model it.
"Tom has not been serious about anyone since she first met Katie Holmes, from what people are saying. But he also seems to like him, "he concluded.
Adele Plan Secret Wedding
WHEEL WORLD NEWS - LONDON - After the couple have a son named Angelo (5 months), and Adele and her fiancé, Simon Konecki planning a secret wedding. They will marry in the summer or next fall.
Both are increasingly attracted to each other. They also want to improve the relationship to a more serious level, marriage.
"He's been planning it for some time and he was involved. Wedding will probably take place in her new home," a source said, as quoted from Showbizspy, Thursday (03/21/2013).
Previously, wedding gossip Adele and Konecki was blowing when Adele was seen wearing a ring on her finger. However, the singer of "Some One Like You" was denied.
And now, the news Adele marriage with a man 38 years was more widely heard as they drew near.
"Adele is very close to her. Simon is the perfect partner, and Angelo completes his life," added the source.
Both are increasingly attracted to each other. They also want to improve the relationship to a more serious level, marriage.
"He's been planning it for some time and he was involved. Wedding will probably take place in her new home," a source said, as quoted from Showbizspy, Thursday (03/21/2013).
Previously, wedding gossip Adele and Konecki was blowing when Adele was seen wearing a ring on her finger. However, the singer of "Some One Like You" was denied.
And now, the news Adele marriage with a man 38 years was more widely heard as they drew near.
"Adele is very close to her. Simon is the perfect partner, and Angelo completes his life," added the source.
Rabu, 20 Maret 2013
Selena Gomez Justin Bieber Admits Making Crying
WHEEL WORLD NEWS -Selena Gomez keeps everyone surprised by his comments while appearing on "Late Show with David Letterman". At the time, Selena was invited as a guest star on the show. In the middle of the show, David Letterman tried to provoke comments Selena about her relationship with Justin Bieber aground.
David pretended Justin told me about a visit to the event some time ago. David then revealed that he had time to make Justin cry then. Suddenly, Selena menyeletuk that he also had to make her ex-lover was crying.
"The last time he was here, I talked to her. He said something and I ask you something. Then I made her cry," said David. "That means we're both making her cry," Selena said to laughter from all the spectators.
Today, Selena is busy promoting his new film, "Spring Breakers". In the film he showed another side of him and look sexy with his co-star like Vanessa Hudgens and Ashley Benson. Some time ago, the 20-year-old singer has also just released a new single, "Rule the World".
David pretended Justin told me about a visit to the event some time ago. David then revealed that he had time to make Justin cry then. Suddenly, Selena menyeletuk that he also had to make her ex-lover was crying.
"The last time he was here, I talked to her. He said something and I ask you something. Then I made her cry," said David. "That means we're both making her cry," Selena said to laughter from all the spectators.
Today, Selena is busy promoting his new film, "Spring Breakers". In the film he showed another side of him and look sexy with his co-star like Vanessa Hudgens and Ashley Benson. Some time ago, the 20-year-old singer has also just released a new single, "Rule the World".
Jealous, One Direction Fans Threaten Suicide Dogs
WHEEL WORLD NEWS - Being a superstar Liam Payne made to bear the risk facing the fans maniaknya. Not only his girlfriend, Danielle Peazer, who must face the anger of a Directioner. In fact, dogs are One Direction's personnel also get the sap.
Some time ago, Liam introduces her new dog Siberian Husky manifold via his Twitter account, @ Real_Liam_Payne. This dog was immediately received a number of death threats from fans of Liam. They were angry because the dog named Loki that Liam had with her lover.
"Everyone introduce my new dog and @ daniellepeazer, called Loki," said Liam on Twitter account. He introduced the dog Loki while uploading photos. The fans immediately Liam angry look at it and threatened to kill Loki.
"That dog is not going to see tomorrow. You should come back to me Liam," said one fan. Even the fans makes hastag # dieloki and make it a trending topic.
Not only that, there are many fans that create a Twitter account Loki and words are cruel to dogs. "I want to thank Jesus and Buddha for giving me parents like Liam and Danielle. We laugh together. We die together," said one avid fans who create a Twitter account Loki.
Some time ago, Liam introduces her new dog Siberian Husky manifold via his Twitter account, @ Real_Liam_Payne. This dog was immediately received a number of death threats from fans of Liam. They were angry because the dog named Loki that Liam had with her lover.
"Everyone introduce my new dog and @ daniellepeazer, called Loki," said Liam on Twitter account. He introduced the dog Loki while uploading photos. The fans immediately Liam angry look at it and threatened to kill Loki.
"That dog is not going to see tomorrow. You should come back to me Liam," said one fan. Even the fans makes hastag # dieloki and make it a trending topic.
Not only that, there are many fans that create a Twitter account Loki and words are cruel to dogs. "I want to thank Jesus and Buddha for giving me parents like Liam and Danielle. We laugh together. We die together," said one avid fans who create a Twitter account Loki.
Former Wife & Her threatened, Charlie Sheen Police Report
WHEEL WORLD NEWS - LOS ANGELES - Charlie Sheen can not stay silent while knowing his family received threats from unknown people. Former star's Anger Management to report to the police because his ex-wife, Denise Richards, and their son, Sam, was terrorized.
CCTV footage captured the images of two suspicious people who attach a note containing a threat and planted a tree with a knife at her house. Charlie thought they were messengers from his former school, Sam, who was being bullied.
He also issued to the school pique Sam, Viewpoint through Twitter account. Charlie even asked the followernya to throw rotten eggs and toilet paper to school.
Charlie asked the school did not interfere with her family, including her. The 49-year-old actor also has hired a detective to find out about the two men. Similarly, as reported by Femalefirst, Tuesday (19/03/2013).
"Do not disturb them. This is not a threat but a promise that justice will be done. I'm not hiding. Guys are hiding. For your information, we know your face (those that attach threats at her house.) Police were involved," Charlie said sarcastically.
CCTV footage captured the images of two suspicious people who attach a note containing a threat and planted a tree with a knife at her house. Charlie thought they were messengers from his former school, Sam, who was being bullied.
He also issued to the school pique Sam, Viewpoint through Twitter account. Charlie even asked the followernya to throw rotten eggs and toilet paper to school.
Charlie asked the school did not interfere with her family, including her. The 49-year-old actor also has hired a detective to find out about the two men. Similarly, as reported by Femalefirst, Tuesday (19/03/2013).
"Do not disturb them. This is not a threat but a promise that justice will be done. I'm not hiding. Guys are hiding. For your information, we know your face (those that attach threats at her house.) Police were involved," Charlie said sarcastically.
Harry Styles sorry to Taylor Swift Dating
WHEEL WORLD NEWS - LOS ANGELES - Taylof Swift is famous as a singer who always wrote his affair in a song. It, too, made the singer of "I Knew You Were Trouble" is when his relationship with Harry Styles ends.
No wonder if Harry regret ever dating and hope never to again be involved with Taylor. Similarly, as reported by Showbizspy, Tuesday (03/19/2013).
"But now Harry wished he'd never date him. I mean, the fact that he's Harry quipped in a video clip 22 has made Harry wonder what will happen next? She just did not know what was going to happen," said the source.
When going out with Taylor, Harry wants to live with ease because they live in different countries. He also did not make a commitment and just have fun.
However, it became a nightmare for Harry because he kept bothering her with a variety of things, including making a satirical video clip personnel are One Direction.
"It was not a peaceful separation, but Harry said he wanted to slow down and relax with Taylor. No commitment is made, and the fact that both are very busy with their careers and lives in a different country will never seriously signify. Thought Harry revel in snap into a nightmare. But he would not decline, he just wanted to be more mature, "he concluded.
No wonder if Harry regret ever dating and hope never to again be involved with Taylor. Similarly, as reported by Showbizspy, Tuesday (03/19/2013).
"But now Harry wished he'd never date him. I mean, the fact that he's Harry quipped in a video clip 22 has made Harry wonder what will happen next? She just did not know what was going to happen," said the source.
When going out with Taylor, Harry wants to live with ease because they live in different countries. He also did not make a commitment and just have fun.
However, it became a nightmare for Harry because he kept bothering her with a variety of things, including making a satirical video clip personnel are One Direction.
"It was not a peaceful separation, but Harry said he wanted to slow down and relax with Taylor. No commitment is made, and the fact that both are very busy with their careers and lives in a different country will never seriously signify. Thought Harry revel in snap into a nightmare. But he would not decline, he just wanted to be more mature, "he concluded.
Without Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber Messy Life
WHEEL WORLD NEWS - LOS ANGELES-The love story of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez has ended after two years of dating. However, it seems Justin has not been received by that fact.
Since breaking up with Selena, Justin behavior increasingly difficult to control. The singer "Never Say Never" was losing control figure that once he found himself in Selena. Singer 19-year life is really messy without Selena.
"Justin really miss Selena. Justin's friends are very bad influence for him and they want to continue with Justin. Justin out of control. He became mired in the wrong way, "said a source quoted by Contactmusic, Wednesday (20/03/2013).
Justin behavior indeed was highlighted recently. He had been caught having a party of marijuana with a friend. He has also performed with no wear after celebrating a birthday. Unlike Selena looks more cheerful and sexy.
"Selena is in the best spots and fine without Justin," he said.
Since breaking up with Selena, Justin behavior increasingly difficult to control. The singer "Never Say Never" was losing control figure that once he found himself in Selena. Singer 19-year life is really messy without Selena.
"Justin really miss Selena. Justin's friends are very bad influence for him and they want to continue with Justin. Justin out of control. He became mired in the wrong way, "said a source quoted by Contactmusic, Wednesday (20/03/2013).
Justin behavior indeed was highlighted recently. He had been caught having a party of marijuana with a friend. He has also performed with no wear after celebrating a birthday. Unlike Selena looks more cheerful and sexy.
"Selena is in the best spots and fine without Justin," he said.
Katy Perry and John Mayer Drop Again
WHEEL WORLD NEWS - LOS ANGELES - After experiencing the ups and downs of relationships, now Katie Perry and John Mayer split again decided.
Musician couple began having an affair since the summer of 2012, dropped in August of the same year, and reconciled at the end of the month.
"It's sad, but maybe it's not really over, you should see the results later. They just saw an opportunity to go to focus on each other's work," the source said, as quoted from Hollyscoop.
Currently, Katy is busy with the cultivation of his new album in Los Angeles. Meanwhile, John memersiapkan tour.
Musician couple began having an affair since the summer of 2012, dropped in August of the same year, and reconciled at the end of the month.
"It's sad, but maybe it's not really over, you should see the results later. They just saw an opportunity to go to focus on each other's work," the source said, as quoted from Hollyscoop.
Currently, Katy is busy with the cultivation of his new album in Los Angeles. Meanwhile, John memersiapkan tour.
Widow, Katie Holmes Ready to Have Kids Again
WHEEL WORLD NEWS - LOS ANGELES-The divorce with Tom Cruise Katie Holmes did not make the trauma of open heart to another man. In fact, the artist 34 years still have dreams give her sister for Suri Cruise someday.
"I do not know. I'm open to it (have another child), "Katie said as quoted by Femalefirst, Wednesday (03/20/2013).
Katie also talked about the profession than being a lawyer. Kebetula, some family members of Dawson's Creeks is a lawyer.
"My brother and my father was a lawyer and we'll see. I like to think of practical ways a lawyer, "he said.
"I do not know. I'm open to it (have another child), "Katie said as quoted by Femalefirst, Wednesday (03/20/2013).
Katie also talked about the profession than being a lawyer. Kebetula, some family members of Dawson's Creeks is a lawyer.
"My brother and my father was a lawyer and we'll see. I like to think of practical ways a lawyer, "he said.
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