Pregnancy is already planned Gwyneth and her husband, Coldplay frontman, Chris Martin. Their two children, Apple and Moses also can not wait to have a sister.
"My kids are always asking me to get pregnant., And we never knew I could get another one. I missed my third child. I always think," Gwyneth said in an interview with the Daily Mail.
Pregnancy is the third child for Gwyneth is not a pleasant experience. He's just getting periods less enjoyable.
"It did not work and I almost died. So I thought, if I'm okay now, or do we go back and try again?" he said.
Star Movies 'Iron Man 3' was not told the details of miscarriage that happened, including when and why he almost died. But the event certainly had a significant influence in the decision whether to have another child or not.
After overcoming her grief after a miscarriage, women 40 years is now trying to be the best mother to her two children. She was happy that her husband is also trying to become the best parents for Apple and Moses.
"We always make decisions together and depend on each other for mutual support. Chris very well to children and know that you are raising a child with a very nice person, really makes me happy," Gwyneth explained.
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