This is revealed when Kate talked with members of Irish Guards in the annual ceremony St. Patrick's Day that was held in Aldershot. During the ceremony Colonel William acted as the ceremony.
Sergeant Thomas Laven who received medals from the kingdom became a member of the Irish Guards were lucky to chat with Kate. Thomas opened the conversation by saying he had a seven-month-old son named Theo.
"I congratulate her on her pregnancy and says that she will face sleepless nights," said Thomas told reporters as quoted by People. When she replied that she had already prepared myself for the day.
A member of the Irish Guards other, Lee Wheeler also chat with Kate. He asked if the Duchess of Cambridge already know the sex of her baby, and she answered do not know.
"He said he wanted to have a son and William would have a daughter. I asked if he had prepared a name and he said not yet," said Wheeler.
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