Representative Joe immediately denied it and insisted the singer does not have a porn video with Blanda.
"Not true or clear about the story. Completely wrong," said Joe representation.
Blink and Gossip says Joe Blanda pornographic video recording at a hotel in Buenos Aires, Argentina, early March. They also look to consume alcohol, illegal drugs, to use sex aids.
"They were drinking and smoking marijuana, and Blanda explained to Joe what he would do to him in detail," writes Blink Gossip.
They also assessed Blanda deliberately make a porn video with Joe because it will benefit by 35 percent. He also wanted to be like Kim Kardashian famous after recording her intimate relationship spread in cyberspace.
This news makes a lot of people by surprise, and personnel The article Joe Jones who is also his brother, Kevin Jonas and Nick Jonas promised not to have sex before marriage and taking drugs.
However, it is rumored the family is very worried because he broke his promise. Joe became an alcoholic and a drug for one year.
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